Terms and conditions

Minimum age to try a tandem jump is 16 year old and a parent must be present on site during the jump, in case even some one authorized could take care of the 16 year old person to make him try the tandem jump.

There is no a maximum age to try the tandem jump.

In case you have to drink alcohol this must be taken or drunk at list 8 hours before you will try the tandem jump.

Please wear a pair of training shoes to try the tandem jump .

In case you wear a pair of glassess , they must be not very big, but in case we suggest to wear a pair of contacts lenses. We could provide you a pair of big googles on site to cover your glasses during the free fall.

Please note that tandem jumps will be organized in order of arrivals of the daily bookings, and the time showed on the booking box on our web site is only to know when you will arrive on site and not the time for your tandem jump. Tandem jumps, could be have delays or be canceled dependings on weather conditions, radar contacts problems, or technical problems, etc etc and can last from 10 mins or till sun set, but in all this case you will not lose your subscription and you can use it by 12 months since the booking was taken. Unfortunately we can’t have a forecast of the day at 100% secure.

All Tandem jumps , and all the jumps and flyng activity must be closed by 30 mins before sun set for fly procedures and EASA regulations .

In case you decide to cancel your bookings with a minimum of 4 days of your tandem jump , the deposit for subscription will be witheld for 12 month and after that time will be lost, in case you can decide another date where to try your jump. In case of the jump was post poned for covid it will be the same , , the deposit for subscription will be witheld for 12 month and after that time will be lost, or in this case you can change the name of the person that will try the tandem jump.

Please note people with weight over 100kg or more we suggest you to contact us by e mail or by whatsapp or mobile phone before you book your adventure.

We STRONGLY suggest you to contact us to CHECK the availability of tandem jump adventure in the date you prefer to jump, before you book your fligth tickets , or any trip ticket that will take you in Sicilia or Siracusa , because our web site will send us a request to book a tandem jump , and only when you will receive a confirmation e mail by us your jump will be confirmed . This is to avoid that will will buy travel tickets and you will not find any spaces for tandem jump.

Scuba diving ( UNDER WATER with breather )must be done at list 24 hours before you will make the tandem jump.

Deposit for subscription will last 12 months from the time you make your booking, after that deposit will be lost, also in case of other couses , like wehater conditions, covid technical problem , radar problem you will not lose your deposit and jump will be postponed.

We suggest you to check our web site on the section “NEWS” or in case contact us just to know if all is confirmed in case there are news about bad weather conditions or delay , problems or cancellations. On our home page you will find the link how to find us .

In case you buy a tandem jump or a gift voucher and you cancel your order or refuse it or the person that will receive refuse it you can transfer the gift voucher to another person or other people , also in case of the full amount , euro 80 per voucher or tandem experience that as been bought we’ll be retained, as subcription.

Certificate Video system of recording : in case is Video or photo service service will be shoot by H. Cam system in Full HD in case the service is video and photos will be done with operator or H. cam system in Full HD.

TANDEM JUMP DAY >>>> Some other info about your tandem jump Day!!

Please for tandem jump you need to wear a pair of training shoes and clothes of the present season will be fine, for women we suggest to wear a pair of leggings or long or short trousers, (Short we mean close to knee), in case you wear glasses we suggest contacts lenses or in case you don’t have them we can try to fit our goggles to your glasses. At SkydiveSicilia drop zone  you will find a shadow place where you can stay and relax while waiting for your tandem jump slot, also on site you will find toilets for men and women and a snack bar, and free wifi, so even friends, relatives, parents etc can stay and relax in the wiating and relaxing areas on site, they are welcome , while they are waiting for your tandem slot. In case you have children with you, We ask you to keep care and whatch them always, because it’s an airport where there are many dangeros things for them, like, planes , running propellers, runaway , dangeros gears, all this things are dangerous for ALL of you especially for them!!  In case you booked your tandem with video or photos services, the arial video operator will send your files by we transfer or other similar systems by 5 days from your jump, but normally they can be more fast and possibly you will receive files by 24/48 hours ,PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK FILES ON YOUR SPAM BOX , PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK THE CORRECT MAIL YOU GAVE TO THEM , AND CHECK FOR HIS CONTACT NUMBER OR E MAIL TOO SO YOU CAN CONTACT THEM IN CASE YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE YOUR FILES AFTER 5 DAYS!! Because many times the files go on the spam box, and remember files must be download as soon as you will receive them otherwise they will be canceled by system in some days after you will receive the mail with file’s link, remember also that video operators are external at SkydiveSicilia so you will receive a contact number of the video operator in case some problems happen with the files. REMEMBER in case of missing video services files DO NOT CONTACT this number 3338599151, this number can’t help you to RETRIEVE your files, we strongly suggest to get the contact number or e mail of your video operator while you are getting dressed with your harness inside the hangar, you will find a QR CODE where you will find their contacts. Our opening hours are from 8.30am till 90 mins before before sunset, so please make sure for your time of arrivals, but your latest arrival time at the drop zone is at list 3 hours before sunset, even if we STRONGLY suggest to be there by midday or 1.00pm, for groups of 5 people please be there maximum at 1pm, and for group of 10/12 people or more be there at the drop zone at maximum 9 am.  in case you are a group of people, superior at 14 people we need to schedule your arrival time at the drop zone so you need to schedule your time of arrival at the drop zone, after you make the reservation or booking.
Tandem jumps will be operated in order of arrivals of daily tandems booked list,we suggest you to contact us before you come at the drop zone or check the news of our web site in case of informations about weather or other info, PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT us days before your jump becasue we can’t help you with  weather forecast. Tandem will be operate on a minimum of 1 to a max of 3 tandems students per slot, so until the slot of your jump will not be scheduled we’ll not know if you can be in the same slot of a person of your group of friend like your fiancee, or parents, or relatives, etc , this will depends on weather conditions, weight or maximum load in the plane, different parachute system used on the load, please, we try arder to make it happen, but if this could not happens, PLEASE WE ASK YOU GENTLY to not INSIST or MAKE us under PRESSURE, because YOU will only delay all daily operations, and ALWAYS we pay more attention to SAFETY FIRST!!!!! Please once you have subscribed at the front desk , you will be called with external speakers about your slot , so please DO NOT ASK at the front desk operator your slot because the operators cant aswer you, because schedule will be done by , instructors or tecnical operators ,and it can last from 1 ours till all day !! In case of bad weather on the day of your jump, jump will be reschule for another date. In case of bad weather on the day of your jump, jump will be rescheduled for another date, and in case it can be done with a different name o person for your jump, but always within 12 months of the day from when it was purchased the jump or voucher, in case 12 months subcrition will be experied the subscription of 80 euro will be lost, or in case it can be extended paying an integration for the insurance.  

Thank you for your cooperation and have a nice day !! 

SkydiveSicilia Team

Black Friday Offer, with a limit of 100 slots availables, you can buy the offer/deal by 30th November 2023 and you CAN USE the voucher starting from 4th December 2022 till 2th March 2024 . The offer at 229 euro include the special VIDEO or PHOTO SERVICE+ tandem jump from 4200m+ . No experience and no medical certification is needed for the tandem jump !! We can send you a gift voucher in case this deal is for a present. Video service will be in FULL H.D. nd with a H.C. system. The offer will be included of insurance.

The offer in not cumulative with the tandem jumps already purchased. 

Xmas Promo deal 2022

The Promo deal must be purchased by 20th December 2023 and includes tandem jump with instructor from 4200m where no experience and no ,edical certificate is required by you , FOR FREE YOU WILL GET VIDEO or PHOTO SERVICE of your tandem jump . Gif cards of XMAS PROMO DEAL can be purcased and the tandem jumps must be done by 2th March 2024. Price of the Tandem jump included video or photos service euro 229!!!

Valentine’s Day Promo deal

Valentines’ Promo deal are valid if used by 31st March 2023, in case the date of the jump that you choose will be after 31st March then will not be a problem but the tandem jump will have a normal price of the day of the tandem jump that you will schedule .

Tandem jump promo deal for Valentine’s promo deal is 185 euro per person and in case you will get the tandem jump with video or photos services it will be 219 euro ecah person. Total place offered 150 or buyed by 14th February 2023 when the offer will end.

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